Hijab and dandruff!!!!! Any link???????

Wednesday, May 06, 2009

I dont know!!!!!!!!!! Its like i have been caught by this hair monster ....... is it cuz of hijab???

I use to wear hijab for the whole day like a lot of you ladies out there and I use to get little dandruff that I usually get rid of by using some anti-dandruff shampoo or oil but this time its scarily increased :(..........i couldn't believe it when i brushed my hair yesterday with a comb instead of brush and it came out all white and my sis said that i have this little fungus grew at the back right at the nape of my neck :( awwwww what should i do with this?????

please friends!!!!!!!! advice me some good product or remedy for this problem. i m really in trouble and feeling itchyness in my hair. besides, i change my hair color almost every 6 months using a hair dye.

looking forward for your responses........

take care
May Allah Ta'llah bless you all
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