Monday, February 20, 2017
Assalam u alaikum and Hey there 😄
This is my first post of the year 2017. 🎉🎉🎉🎉 I know very late but better be late then never show up.
Since after winter vacation I have been involved in a lot of crazy things at home and related to work although I am not working full time but I AM working somehow
[self employed without salary]. Motherhood is also a full time job guys.
Since after winter vacation I have been involved in a lot of crazy things at home and related to work although I am not working full time but I AM working somehow
So, there were exams, not mine
but it felt like my own exams if I count the number tension headache I got while persuading kids to practice. After that we'd been on a couple of short trips outside Karachi and then there was this hibernation period of mine during winter season in the city. And since the weather in my beloved city is back to its Auqaat which is the usual garmi so I was all set to be back on track.
Now I also have started a very exciting routine for which I might be looking forward to few online friends to join me from the comfort of their lounge. Details are coming ahead...wait up guys!
Take care
Please try to be modest in your word choice.....