First, i went to shop for the fabric of my long time pending abaya and matching lace with my sister and went to the tailor to explain the design and gave him the material. Also, i requested him to complete my previous cream color abaya that is pending on his desk cuz of the embroider who is a very laaazzzzyyyy man. These tailors and embroiders are one tough thing to handle......i will definitely post the picture when i will get the finished product........hold on u guys........
anyway, I am planning to give at least 1 or 2 hours daily to my daughter to involve her into some creative activities to polish her concentration skills. I know she needs me with her all the time since she is mashAllah in learning stage and her mind is full of questions about everything. She asks me about GOD "mama, why i cant see Allah Ta'llah. from where is he watching us?" and i just end up saying the same thing that "honey, He can watch us all everytime but you can't see Him." :) what else i could tell her..............and so many more questions all day long.........
here she comes, trying to push me away from my laptop and want me to do painting with her....gotta go :) see you guys