I just received an email notification from Sunnah Style, the famous online abaya and jilbab store about, they lauched their official blog. Another way to be updated with everything coming on the store.
Fe Aman Allah
Second one is my favourite!!!!!!!
More close!!!!!!!!!
hope you like my abayaat. I will post few more tailor made abayas of mine inshaAllah........
take care you all lovely people.......Allah HAfiz
don't forget to tell me how do u see this...........
looking forwards for ur comments.........
Anyways, Practicing to become a housewife after 3.5 years of my marraige :) very cumbersome. I am very bad at managing home chores. I wake up early in the morning and after sending my child and his father to school and office i usually sit on my notebook(laptop) and then.....i forget everything. Thanks to my maid who does half of that for me every morning (cleaning, dish washing, dusting and laundry) and after she leaves, i take over......infact my mother in law takes over....Ooooppppsss!!!! then what do i do? see, thats what i am trying to say that there is nothing much to do at home except for cooking......OMG!!!!!!! i feel frustrated sometimes......
I want a healthy activity untill i find my real target.....wait a sec!!!!!!!! idea!!!! why dont i start with a Gym? offcourse a ladies Gym yaar.........ooookkkkkk....lemme call a couple of nearby gyms.........atleast i will b distracted for a few minutes.
ok, lemme go check these gyms, while you surf arround :) see you again more often now......
Allah Hafiz
Al Muhajabah, Woman Who Wears Hijab. Well, in fact, a Pakistani Mom who is trying to stay sane with her kids (joke!!! ok, just trying). Here, we will talk just about anything and everything....