Food for The Book Worm in me :)
Tuesday, November 29, 2016
Hi there,
Today I will talk about "The Book Reader" in me. I LOVE to read all kind of books, well not exactly all kinds but most of them. I can safely say that if I have my kind of book in my hand and my kind of movie on the screen the i will definitely go for the book, YESSS.
There is a specific reason I like to read books besides the casual ones like, you get a lot of information and wisdom etc. etc. My reason is that I love to peek inside other worlds, feel how different people live their life and how they react towards whatever life throws on them. Whenever I feel suffocated in my world I grab a book and step inside it and start exploring that particular world. It is just that now i get very limited time to sneak into books world. Sometimes it would take me a month to finish an average size book that was really interesting and I was aiming to finish it in a week.
Ok! so, to quench my reading thirst I needed an endless supply of books and for that i loved to visit libraries and used to go to Urdu Bazaar weekly before i got married but after that It had become another project to plan a teeny weeny visit to my favorite place (not Urdu bazaar only but any BIG bookstore) because my husband doesn't happen to be a crazy reader. :( He reads but doesn't fancy bookstores like me. Anyways, I HAVE FOUND A SOLUTION TO THIS PROBLEM!!!
Technology ka, balkey, Online shopping ka dour hey bhaai, we can get anything from a needle to elephant online and that too with COD (cash on delivery) option. So, now i can get all my favorite books from the comfort of my lounge and can visit many bookstore to find a book that is hard to find. Liberty Books,, Fabingo are some great sites from where I have ordered books.
And the most exciting thing for me is Reader's Club. Which is is great initiative for people like me (lazy 😄 and on budget). It is an online book rental club with HOME DELIVERY and PICKUP option. I have registered myself as a member on their site with a nominal monthly fee and now I can select my favorite books from their huge collection and the Rider will deliver the top most book at my place or replace the book with the next one when i want to return. Great facility indeed.
Have fun with books.
Disclaimer: This post has nothing to do with promotions or biased material. This is solely based on my personal experiences and preferences. I have shared all the references for the benefit of my readers. JA
Please try to be modest in your word choice.....